Second career coaching - ex-pro footballers

Second career coaching for ex-pro' footballers

Special one to one career transition coaching packages available with our lead coach starting in August and September 2022 
             Limited spaces available so contact Martin now to find out more and pre-book your first consultation.

Career Transition Coaching

Designed by Coaching Psychologist and expert Career Transition Coach Martin Ousley, our one to one support programme for ex-professional footballers is tailored specifically to meet each individuals future ambitions and takes full account of their current circumstances.

We know how challenging making such a change can be for anyone leaving a profession they have devoted so much of their time, energy and attention to, probably for all of their working life to date.  It's a big and often challenging move.

But our coaching will guide and support you through every aspect of that change.  We know it's not just about changing career, it's about adapting to a new way of life that can impact every aspect of your life be it professional, business or work-related, personal, family or domestic, that's why the coaching we provide goes way beyond just choosing and starting a new career.

You can contact our lead Career Transition Coach directly to find out more about how we can support you on your road to a new career by calling 0792 9867 845 or emailing

We can also work directly with or through your club to provide our services to an individual or small group within the same club, simply ask them to contact us and we'll do the rest.

Second Career Seminar 
for ex-pro footballers

Register now

Our second career seminars for ex-professional footballers have been suspended following the Covid-19 pandemic but will recommence during the 2022/23 season.  Small group sessions are available online via Zoom.  If you register your interest for one of our online sessions we will contact you with the date of the next session.

If you're thinking of leaving the beautiful game in the next year now is the time to register as places at each event are limited.

Packed full of information, ideas and support to make sure you start your career transition in the best way possible our seminars are delivered by career transition experts.  

As well as a series of insightful presentations about making the most of your new opportunities you'll also have the opportunity to speak to representatives from a range of other professions about moving into their field of work, to find out about study and training options in Further and Higher Education, and Apprenticeships plus advice on how to start your own business.

We'll also be able to introduce you to one of our Career Transition Coaches.

To register your interest simply click the button below and complete the quick registration form.  We will then send you a copy of the programme and details of the dates and venues.
Register here
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