Professional & Career Development

Career Development Coaching

Managing your own professional and career development

A key aspect of continued personal and professional growth is how you plan that development either through your choice of continuing professional development courses, academic study or your next job choice.

Simply opting to enrol on a variety of courses in an ad-hoc way in order to boost your CV isn't necessarily the best way to stay up to date and current with all of the developments in your area of work or boost your career prospects. Without considered thought and planning much of your time and hard earned money could end up going to waste.  

By the same token moving to another job with a larger employer or to a position that on the surface offers greater prospects can end up taking your career sideways at best if not in some cases backwards if you're not aware of how such a move will really enhance your career.  So what's the answer?

Working with a skilled Coach

In both of the above scenarios working with an experienced Career Coach will provide you with the opportunity to explore your rationale behind your next career steps or your next choice of course or study in a an impartial, supportive and on-judgmental setting, and also provide the perfect sounding board for making the right decisions when it comes to your career.

Looking at the big picture

Professional development in your chosen field becomes far more effective and manageable when considered in the "whole life" perspective not just in the work or business perspective.    Having a clear plan of your short, medium and long-term development and how that fits into your bigger "life-plan" will ensure that you develop at the most appropriate rate and in the most appropriate ways to that life-plan. 

Unplanned and mismanaged professional development can lead to a number of difficulties and create frustration, even a sense of failure. Working with a coach experienced and skilled in personal and professional development will ensure that you manage your development in the best possible way.

The benefits of career coaching

  • Planned developments fit better with your life as a whole
  • You're much less likely to waste valuable time and money
  • Job choices will be forward steps not sideways or backwards
  • It will be easier to arrange and manage your time for professional development
  • You will be enhancing your chances of goal attainment and success.
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